vatican museums museo chiaromenti
The Chiaramonti Museum is named after its founder, Pope Pius VII or Barnaba Chiaramonti, who decided to set up around 1807. Since the museum was to house works of art and greek-Roman sculptures, the exhibition was entrusted to the Venetian sculptor Antonio Canova, at the time considered one of the greatest Italian exponents of neoclassicism. The collection is divided into three galleries of the Vatican Palaces: the Chiaramonti Gallery: the oldest wing of the museum, which houses urns, sarcophagi and various sculptures depicting divinities and famous Roman characters. To beautify the gallery, commissioned Canova to the painters of the Academy of San Luca some decorative bezels testify that the work of Pius VII in the promotion of Fine Arts. the New Wing: inaugurated in 1822 and designed by the architect Raffaele Stern, here you can admire beautiful mosaics inserted directly into the floor and other ancient statues of Roman emperors and gods. the Lapidary Gallery: open only on request, holds a vast collection of pagan and Christian tombstones and funeral monuments carried out by the popes since '700.
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